4 simple habits guaranteed to change your life

Every morning when I awake and practice four simple habits, I find my life, relationships and work transformed.  Other times when I sense frustration and feel that I am losing focus, peace and joy, it is usually due to a neglect of these four life-changing habits.  Don’t think they are complicated or take any more than 5 minutes.  But an investment in those 5 minutes will change the other 23 hours, 55 minutes of your day!  Here they are:

HABIT # 1:   Take a quick snapshot inventory of your life.  What word would you use to describe your life right now?  I can usually do this in the first few seconds before I get out of bed in the morning.  I can tell if I am in a funk; if I feel grumpy, anxious or selfish; if I don’t feel like loving my wife; if I am facing challenges that day at work, etc.  Recognize and be aware of these feelings.

HABIT # 2:   Take into account the present danger.  A danger is anything that might cause you injury, loss or pain.  We lose power and closeness with God if we fail to depend on His Spirit.  When I don’t feel loving and simply try to love on my own power, I experience pain and failed relationships.  When I need wisdom in decisions at work and only read books and think about the best solution without asking for God’s wisdom, I waver and lose confidence.  When I am grumpy or worried and try to feel happier, I lose peace, joy, and kindness when I don’t ask for God to fill and guide me.

HABIT # 3:   Thank  God the He has given you everything you need to succeed today.  “His divine power has given us everything we need for life…”(2 Peter 1:3).  Jesus reminds us that if anyone is thirsty let him come to him and drink. Whoever cleaves to and fully depends on Christ, streams of living water will flow from within him. ( John 7:37)  Jesus was talking about the Holy Spirit who is the source of power, wisdom, life, etc.  When we are empowered and filled with the Holy Spirit, our life bears spiritual fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  If this fruit is not evident and growing in your life, chances are you are not depending on the Holy Spirit to control and empower you.  He has made available what you need for today; you simply have to depend.

HABIT # 4:   Verbalize a prayer to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  It is not magic words but the intent of your heart that really matters here.  I usually pray something like this:

Lord, I am feeling __________ today.  I cannot do this without you.  Fill me with your Spirit now.  Help me to love as you would love.  Love others through me.  Speak through me today. I need your wisdom.  Let your thoughts be my thoughts.  I surrender control to you.  Fill me, Father and give me your power so I can live today as you want me to.  Thank you that you have given me everything I need to live well today and glorify you with all that I say, all I think about, all I look at and everything that I do.  Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer.  Amen

Every day that I practice these 4 simple habits, I experience transformation in my own life.  If you are not convinced, try it for yourself for seven days.  See if you don’t begin to see changes in your life, relationship and work also.

Please leave a comment here if you are going to try the experiment or want to share how your life, relationships or work have changed this week by practicing these 4 simple habits.

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