Dilbert on 360 Review Feedback

Every week brings news of tragedy, heartbreak, loss, racial tensions, frustrations with poor leadership, all reminding us of the obvious:

this world is broken and in need of healing.

To be honest, it can be overwhelming, paralyzing, and hopeless to feel so out of control. It is true there are so many things I would like to change; many are out of my control. However, I can control me.

I can begin to make the world a little better by starting with me.

Last week I got feedback on how I can improve my life and leadership, to leave a better wake behind me. I used a simple tool called the 360-degree review. It was nothing like the Dilbert cartoon:


If you have never done a real 360-degree review, I highly suggest it.

Anyone can initiate a 360-degree review. 

My 360 gave me helpful feedback on my strengths and areas for growth. It was like a snapshot based on observed feedback from my supervisor and peers, so I did not feel judged.  I know it does not tell the whole story about me, as people can’t see my thoughts, motivations or intentions, but the feedback was valid and helpful.

My 360 Review Feedback had two simple objectives:

  1. Identify
    • Clear Strengths
    • Hidden Strengths
    • Developmental Needs
    • Blind Spots
  2. Inform my Personal Development Plan.  From my personalized feedback, I am in the process of designing a development plan that will help me move my life and leadership forward in positive ways.

Now, it’s your turn…The process is simple:

  1. Go to new.Global360Review.com
  2. Create your account. It’s free and secure.
  3. Verify your account.
  4. Click on “Initiate a Review”.

Once into the site, you can choose the type of review. (The 360 Lite is 5 questions and helpful for anyone-try that one out this year!  The Leadership 360 is useful for a team leader or organizational leader at any level); you can choose your reviewers and the person who you want to give you your feedback results. If you have any questions, let me know. Only you and the person you choose to give feedback will see your results. I would love to hear about your experience if you do a 360 Review, so please return and leave a comment.


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3 thoughts on “Dilbert on 360 Review Feedback

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  1. I DON’T WANT TO KNOW MY BLIND SPOTS!!! I like them to stay blind and me being oblivious. Having said that, your insights are spot on–knowing how we’re received by others, including what we don’t see about ourselves, is hugely helpful in growth. And yes, all I can do is start with me. Thanks Steverino!

    1. Thanks Dayle. It can be hard to receive feedback on blind spots and growth areas, but it really helps receiving from someone who believes in you and is “for” you. Thanks for engaging the conversation!

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